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Wild About You
Kerrelyn Sparks
Her Mad Hatter
Marie Hall

From Hel, With Love (XIII Hour, #1)

From Hel with Love - Blue Remy ARC review of “From Hel, With Love”With a writing style similar to that of Sherrilyn Kenyon, Blue Remy’ s “From Hel, with love” brings together a world of Demon, Daemon, and Fae to paint a magical picture of the paranormal that exists among us. In the heart of New Orleans, just off Bourbon Street, is The Club, a hardcore club ran by Raven Aquilis the keeper of the 9 gates. When a demon of Raven’s realm is killed in a ritualistic style, the human world, in the form of Duncan O’Brien head of the Regional Investigation of Paranormal Agency, and the Demon world collide. It’s Raven’s duty to keep the demons of her realm safe, and in doing so keep herself safe, but it makes Duncan an unavoidable necessity. However, Duncan is irresistible for more reasons than that one. A unique dark fantasy world, an undeniable attraction, and colorful side characters all combine to make From Hel, with love a can’t-miss-must-read. I can’t wait for book two of the series.

Lover Reborn (Black Dagger Brotherhood Series #10)

Lover Reborn - J.R Ward I'm sooo excited and ready for Lover at Last now that I am finally finished with Tohr's book. I cried and I got mad but this was an awesome book. I felt torn all the way through and it took me an extremely long time to finish this book because I just couldn't make myself feel as if it was time for him. I felt as if Wellsie just died and although I didn't want to see him suffer any longer it seemed so wrong for him to be with someone new. All of those things aside, I loved this book as much as I love all of J.R. Ward's books. I did have a hard time feeling attached to Tohr. He was in pain but I also love when one of the brothers becomes obsessed by one single woman. I was also intrigued by the side story of Layla and her unintentional/unwanted attraction to one of the Band of Bastards. In addition to Lover at Last, I'd love to see Lassiter's book because he's too yummy.

Deadlocked (Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood, Book 12)

Deadlocked - Charlaine Harris I love Sookie and Charlaine Harris let me lead with that. This book had a couple of spots that made me chuckle, and I cried like I always do with each book in this series, but man I really thought there wasn't anyone left to betray Sookie. I'm only giving it four stars for two reasons, there was no romance to the story and I found myself skipping pages where every detail of her day was described. There were several descriptions of Sookie checking the mail. Despite those two things, this book was still good and I felt a few things were resolved. I know where I want her to end up now I kind of wish she'd get there already, but of course I'll be reading along until she does.

Haiku in the Night

Haiku in the Night - Ben Ditmars, Jon Konrath I say every time that I review poetry, that it is subjective, but this author always brings tears to my eyes with the heartfelt honesty of his words. Haiku in the Night is another win.

Jim Fosse's Expense Claim

Jim Fosse's Expense Claim - John Dolan Jim Fosse's Expense Claim carries you through the email exchange between Jim Fosse and the expense claim manager for the company in which he is employed. Jim is claiming some outrageous expenses for his last business trip and the journey for reimbursement will keep you laughing.

Long Lost Song

Long Lost Song - Stephen C. Ormsby ~4.5 stars~ What would you sell your soul in order to achieve? For Ricky Jenson it is for the title "blues guitarist extraordinaire" but will one man's dream become a curse upon us all?Long Last Song by Stephen Ormsby switches between the past and present day in order to capture the full story of Ricky and the price he must pay for his deal. Can he turn the game on the "Black Man" or will music be lost to the world forever?You'll have to wait until the very end to find out, but first you have to pick up your own copy. In a combination of urban fantasy, horror, and apocalyptic fiction, this is one wild read.

Meet Me

Meet Me - Azure Boone Tasha has been married for over 20 years and is the mother of eight children. Her husband is a preacher and has been unfaithful, not to mention, he is really a jerk. She is bitter, unhappy, and trapped since she is certain that no one will ever want her again until she meets a man on Facebook. Tasha never considered cheating before, but Morgan is everything she has ever fantasized about and he wants Tasha, kids, and all. About half-way through this book you get your first clue that the sexy Morgan is hiding something, and you will drive yourself crazy trying to figure out what it is. I read this book in one sitting because I just had to know! Tasha is so real and women will truly be able to relate to her feelings of insecurity after so many years with the same man. I couldn't believe how this one ended. It left me amazed.

Custodian of the Luima Legacy

Custodian of the Luima Legacy - Gabrielle Poplar ~4.5 Stars~ I'm always impressed by an author that can create an entire world the way this author has managed to with "Custodian of the Luima Legacy". World building, imagery, and character development truly come into play when taking on such a huge project. I was concerned when I read the description that I might not be able to follow along. However, after downloading the sample and reading the prologue, I knew that I had to give this one a try. I wasn't disappointed. When Fastian heads to Bahadi he takes along his ward, Meryl. The Luima are holding a test for natural abilities. Meryl gives it a shot and turns out to be very powerful, so he heads off to Jodi Island for further training. At school, Meryl finds himself at a disadvantage in some areas since this new direction for his life was unexpected, but his natural skills shine through winning over a few. With an evil king, plenty of magic, and characters that you can easily root for, this is a great read.

The Funny Adventures of Little Nani: 1

The Funny Adventures of Little Nani - Cinta García de la Rosa As a person who has spent the past 13 years working with children, I've probably read more children's books than adult books even if I do not normally review them, but Little Nani is adorable! Nani takes her wand and her not-so-polished magical skills on several adventures throughout the book. Even though it's written for children, if you're like me and still love to read children's books at the age of... :-D you'll still love Little Nani. I mean she meets a caffeine addicted Zombie! Get your copy today.

From Where I Stand

From Where I Stand - Robert   Zimmermann "Where I Stand" by Robert Zimmermann is a beautiful collection of poetry. As a woman who spent some years as a single parent, I found "Living with Koopa" especially heartbreaking. Well worth checking out. I think that you will love it.

The Vampire Handbook

The Vampire Handbook - P.J. Jones This was a very funny book. I found myself reading several parts aloud to my husband. I love the way it was always acceptable to do bad things to Carrot top.

The Estian Alliance (Jake West, #3)

The Estian Alliance (Jake West, #3) - M.J. Webb Author M.J. Webb never ceases to amaze me As someone who loves Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia, I was very excited back when I read the description of the first book in this series: Jake West The Keeper of the Stones. I went into that book never expecting that I would find a world just as bright and magical as the ones in my favorite books, but author M.J. Webb truly surprised me. I loved it and I quickly snatched up book 2: Jake West Warriors of Heynai.I've finally made it to book 3: Jake West The Estian Alliance and oh my gosh, you have to read these books!In this one, 15-year-old Jake and his best friend Ben are still trying to restore the box of stones so they can gather his full power as keeper in hopes of defeating King Vantrax. This is the final battle in the war against evil and the level of suspense has risen quite a bit. If you love fantasy, YA, or heck you like to read then go get this series!!

Ten Minutes in Heaven

Ten Minutes in Heaven - Ben Ditmars If you're looking for something different then "Ten Minutes in Heaven" is the perfect choice. This book is unique from everything else that I have read since it consists of 10 short plays that last 10 minutes each. -Hot Sex-MacIntosh-Jumper-Bank Rob-Pirates of the Olentangy River-Dumpster Boogie-Crashing Noah's Ark-Train Rob-The Great Argument-Heaven of OzSeveral times I caught myself laughing while secretly hoping that my sense of humor is not too warped.

Shadows of the Realm (The Circle of Talia)

Shadows of the Realm - Dionne Lister/Eloise March Your fantasy shelf will dance with joy when you bring home this epic fantasy. Beautiful world building caused everything to seem so realistic that I was not once pulled from the story. A story that was filled with magic and dragons. If you enjoy fantasy then you will love this book. You will feel as if you've made some new friends and when you lift your head from this book you'll be surprised to find no magical beasts sitting at your feet.

Sanctum Retribution: Shadow Havens Book 3

Sanctum Retribution: Shadow Havens Book 3 - Edenmary Black Author Edenmary Black possesses the rare ability to weave a multi-layered story with a large cast of characters and never loose her audience along the way. This is the third book in the Shadow Haven series and the wonderful passion between the characters still thrives in this installment. Tensions are building as Xavier is finding it harder with each passing day to keep Ilea's secret. You cannot go wrong with one of Edenmary's books. Between the beautiful world building and captivating story lines, Sanctum Retribution is a must read.


Witherspork - Ben Ditmars Jeff Witherspork is a little different from everyone else. Never quite fitting in, Jeff thinks he'll never meet anyone else like him. That is until he receives an email from Jeff Witherspork. Convinced it has to be spam, Jeff does everything that he can think of to avoid opening the mail. However, once he does, his life is changed forever. Over lunch, Jeff gives Jeff a gift that unlocks in the moonlight showing Witherspork a destiny he never dreamed possible and everything hangs in the balance. This is a great short read so get yours today.